March 2022

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Hi there! Did you miss me? You may have noticed that we didn’t send out a newsletter last month. It’s not for lack of effort; we have been very busy expanding our team!

Order Desk is thriving and we plan to keep offering you the high level of support you’ve come to expect from us, so keep an eye out for our next newsletter, where we hope to announce some newly acquired Order Deskians!

Integration Features & Update Shopping Carts

Additional order level options that can be set as checkout data or order metadata for:

  • Spoke Custom: IOSS value is now accepted. The store-level IOSS value will be used as a backup. Details Here.

Print on Demand

Additional item level options that can be set as checkout data or order metadata for:

  • DTG2Go: Use delta_sku to replace print_sku, color, and size instead of setting them individually. Details Here.
  • Prodigi: The accepted field value options have changed for image_resizing. Default is fillPrintArea. Other values are fitPrintArea or stretchToPrintAreaDetails Here.


Additional order level options that can be set as checkout data or order metadata for:

  • VeraCore: Use ShippingAccountZip to include the postal code connected to your shipping account. This will also open up the option to use ShippingAccountAddress1ShippingAccountAddress2ShippingAccountCityShippingAccountStateShippingAccountZip, and BillToFlagDetails Here.

Additional item level options that can be set as checkout data or item metadata for:

  • VeraCore: Use LineNumber to add an alternate identification string. Details Here.

Rakuten Super Logistics Update: Rakuten does not accept 0.00 as an item total, any order items that have a price of 0.00 will be submitted to Rakuten as unitPrice 0.01Details Here.


Additional order level options that can be set as checkout data or order metadata for:

  • EasyPost: Use SenderTaxIdSenderTaxIdTypeSenderTaxIdIssuingCountry (this is optional, if not filled out, we will use the return address country) to pass sender tax identifiers and ReceiverTaxIdReceiverTaxTypeReceiverTaxIdIssuingCountry to pass receiver tax identifiers. Details Here.

Spotlight on…Order History

A fantastic way to see the path your order has taken is by looking in the Order History, which can be found at the bottom of each of your orders, right underneath Order Notes:

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What Order History shows you can be summed up as WhenHow, and What:

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When: The time and date when the change to the order occurred. It will always be in the standard YYYY-MM-DD format, with 24 hour time in the time zone of your store.

How: The cause of the change to the order. This will often say “Auto,” for automatic changes created by store settings and rules; or the name of a User in your store, for manual changes.

What: The changes made to your order. This is where you will see when your orders import, split, merge, or are submitted for fulfillment. When shipping and tracking information are added to an order, that gets logged here, too.

That’s not all! If you hover over the i icon next to Auto, you’ll be able to see exactly what caused the update to your order:

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In the case that the order status changed because of a rule, you can even click the i icon to go right to the rule in the Rule Builder!

Order History is a great way to get a clearer idea of how your orders go from Point A to Point B.

It’s like your Great Aunt Pat’s Facebook! Constant updates, lots of information you didn’t know you needed, and even some fun links to click.

What have you been trying to catch up on lately?

Maybe you have a book you have been meaning to finish for the last 4 months. Perhaps you have finally decided to watch Encanto because you’ve realized no one is going to stop talking about it so you might as well hop on the trend. It could even be as simple as finding time to do the laundry that has piled up on your “laundry chair” (come on, we all have one of those, right?)

What’s the thing you really want to make time for? Email us at and let us know! If you have a question about your store you need help with, that’s fine too. 😉

Patricia and The Order Desk Team

More To Explore

Release Notes

Order Desk Release Notes – August 2024

New Integrations RV Print Factory is a US-based wall art company that offers custom canvases, art prints, tiles, and more. Learn more here. Savi Customs is a print on demand company that offers full custom sublimation and direct to garment

Using Order Desk

Integrating Your Service with the Order Desk API

Why Connect to Order Desk via API? Order Desk receives about 15 integration requests a month and we unfortunately don’t always have the time or resources to build them. That being said, it might benefit your company to establish its

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